The U.S. Senate has recently passed a bill S1274, known as the Railroad Employee Equity and Fairness (REEF) Act. This significant piece of legislation looks to eliminate the mandatory cuts to railroad unemployment benefits. This bill came after passing through the House of Representatives and is now heading to President Joe Biden for his approval and signature. Essentially, the bill distinguishes a tax of $50 every two weeks on rail employees’ benefits and puts an end to government-mandated cuts to those benefits.

U.S. Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), the sponsor of the bill, championed this as a win for the railroad workers across the nation. She stated that the legislation is meant to make right the unfair cuts and to ensure that the people responsible for keeping our trains on track receive the benefits they rightly deserve. The passage of the bill has been applauded by labor and industry groups alike. The Association of American Railroads CEO, Ian Jefferies, underscored that the legislation is heavily important as it provides certainty to all railroaders and their families regarding the benefits they have earned.

To understand more about such employee benefits, it’s critical to know how to reach out to the concerned departments or organizations. In case of necessity, you can visit for information on how to contact edd, or how to get a hold of edd customer service. This resource offers guidance on how to reach a live person at the Employment Development Department (EDD) in California. It also provides data on California unemployment customer service and the fastest way to get through to edd, among other valuable instructions.