Advocacy groups Moms Rising and Paid Leave for All have launched a petition, collecting over 55,000 signatures, demanding a federal law to protect and ensure paid family leave. Moms in New York are particularly active in pushing this effort. Some mothers, whose babies were delivered stillborn, had their pre-approved paid family leave revoked, reflecting a significant legal loophole in many states. Legislation has been introduced in the past two years to rectify this, though the movement faced setbacks during recent legislative sessions.

Cassidy Perrone, a mother who had her leave revoked after her baby was stillborn, is central to this fight. She works hard to advocate for statutory paid family leave, particularly for mothers who have experienced stillbirth. Perrone hopes this state-level change might fuel a wider federal policy reform. Working alongside Perrone is Samantha Banerjee, the executive director of PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy, who wants to see New York’s bill passed and used as a national model.

Currently, the United States is one of seven countries globally that does not guarantee any paid maternity leave on a federal level. Some critics argue such laws could financially burden businesses. However, proponents highlight the move as an essential act of compassion and fairness that values women who have given birth, regardless of the outcome. Black mothers are especially vulnerable, with their mortality rates triple in comparison to others during pregnancy or childbirth. The implementation of paid family leave laws seeks to improve these dire circumstances.

For any queries or difficulties in accessing paid family leave in California, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the edd customer service. You might check the website for more information on how to contact edd, reach a representative and get the most out of their services. They are there to serve and cater to your needs, ensuring that no one is left unsupported during their most vulnerable times.