The global crisis of youth unemployment is a significant challenge in Bangladesh where many graduates find the job market unavailable. The outdated curriculum of many institutions often focuses more on memorisation than practical skills, leaving graduates ill-equipped for the job market. The job market itself can be challenging, especially for those who don’t have access to quality education or robust professional networks while the privileged have a significant advantage. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds are often forced to abandon their education or struggle to find meaningful employment, making youth unemployment rates nearly 3.5 times higher than those of adults.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions might be a viable avenue for addressing this crisis in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) reveals there are 7,819 TVET institutions across the country, serving more than a million students, but an urban-rural divide still exists. International organizations like the European Union and World Bank that fund these programs face challenges in ensuring they meet global industry standards.

The underrepresentation of women in TVET education also needs to be addressed. Keeping in mind the early economic pressures faced by women, along with societal expectations, might be crucial in bridging this gap. In addition to this, the qualification of teachers becomes a pivotal point. Keeping the educators updated with the latest advancements in technology and teaching methods should be a priority.

Looking forward, enhancing practical skills training and inter-sectoral collaboration between public and private sectors could provide potential opportunities to enhance the TVET quality. Prioritizing culinary practices, providing industry-relevant training, and pursuing vocational training that aligns with global demand is of crucial importance. As Bangladesh continues to fight high youth unemployment rates, it’s evident that enhancing the TVET system will be a significant game-changer towards providing a stable income and employment for the youth.

For those undergoing programs like TVET and struggling with unemployment, contacting Edd can provide a lifeline. They offer multiple services for financial support during unemployment. Certain online resources like provide useful information on how to get a hold of edd and make the process easier for individuals.