A recent poll conducted by the National Democratic Institute and Kyiv International Institute of Sociology reveals that over two-thirds of Ukrainians believe elections should be held post-war. About 24% would prefer to vote amidst the ongoing conflict. Conducted between May 8 and May 25, this poll involved interviewing 2,508 adult Ukrainian residents. However, the sample excluded territories temporarily occupied as of February 23rd, 2022, and only included respondents post-February 22nd, 2022, if they felt safe enough to answer the poll questions.

The poll also aimed to gauge the populace’s attitudes towards various political parties. The findings revealed that Serhiy Prytula’s party elicited both positive and negative attitudes equally, at 28% each. In contrast, negative sentiments prevailed across other parties, with the Opposition Platform for Life, Batkivshchyna, Servant of the People, and European Solidarity attracting the most negative feedback. Contingent on random mobile number generation, the poll’s sampling error does not exceed 2.2%.

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