The Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) is opening up a public comment period for the 2024-2028 Central Oregon Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). This strategy is an asset-based plan for enhancing the regional economy, and COIC is in search of public input on its content. The CEDS highlights the region’s key economic development needs and presents strategies for supporting business growth and improving economic resilience. The strategies and projects outlined in the document revolve around public infrastructure, community facilities, capital needs, and project development. Details of CEDS are available on the COIC website and members of the public may submit their comments until May 22, 2024. The key outcomes expected from CEDS include addressing Regional Priority Issues and implementing Key Initiatives for sustained economic development and stability in the region. The COIC serves as the federally designated Economic Development District (EDD) for Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties, and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, and is in charge of preparing the CEDS every five years for these counties.

For individuals who need to reach out to the Economic Development District (EDD) regarding their input on the CEDS or other matters, understanding how to get a hold of EDD can be useful. The COIC, as the EDD for the aforementioned regions, may provide contact information on their website. For inquiries specific to the CEDS, comment forms are available on the CEDS webpage. Similarly, for a more general approach, resources like might be beneficial. This website provides practical guides and tips on how to contact a live person at EDD California, including the best times to call and ways to get your inquiries answered efficiently and effectively. This can be very helpful for those who want to contribute their thoughts on the Economic Development Strategy, or have other matters that require the attention of EDD.