Davidson County’s unemployment rate was recorded at 2.9% in October, making it the 88th highest out of 95 within the state. This represents approximately 12,170 residents in the county’s workforce currently out of employment. Comparatively, national unemployment rates have returned to pre-COVID levels, between 3.5% and 4%. Historically, the unemployment peaked at 14.7% during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020. However, predictions of possible future recessions elicit concerns about potential business closures and layoffs, possibly driving up unemployment rates once again. Meanwhile, local economies display varying levels of unemployment. EddCaller.com, an autodial program, assists people in contacting unemployment, paid family leave, and disability departments quickly, making it potentially a great solution for those seeking employment or related assistance. It can provide the fastest way to get through to EDD or similar services.