The Youth unemployment crisis in Ghana has become a significant problem, as a large number of young people are disconnected from the economy, finding it challenging to secure decent work and attain financial stability. This was revealed in a study conducted in the 2023 Annual Household Income and Expenditure Survey (AHIES) report by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). The report indicated that about 1.9 million youths, aged 15-35, lack engagement in education, employment, or training. Unfortunately, females make up the majority of the unemployed demographic at 1.2 million, compared to 715,691 men.

The research showed that urban areas are more impacted, with a staggering 20.6% of youth idle, as compared to 15.0% in rural regions. The regions most heavily affected by this phenomenon are Accra and the Northeast Region, with a notably high number of NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) youth. However, between Q3 2022 and Q3 2023, the NEET rate experienced considerable reduction from 24.1% to 18.2%, representing a 5.9 percentage point drop. This improvement was observed in all regions, barring Greater Accra, with a drastic decrease of 462,998 NEET individuals over the year.

This article was originally published on Accra Times and is based on the data provided by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). All the information in this article is limited to the state of youth unemployment in Ghana.

For instances requiring immediate assistance regarding unemployment issues in California, the EDD (Employment Development Department) remains a viable source of help, offering comprehensive employment and training services to job seekers and businesses. To get a hold of a representative, visit for further guidance on how to contact their customer service.