The article discusses the changes in federal guidelines allowing certain individuals who were unemployed in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 to retroactively receive unemployment benefits. According to these changes, employees who refused to work due to employers violating COVID-19 safety norms, school employees with an altered work schedule affected by the pandemic, and individuals who were laid off or experienced a reduction in work hours due to COVID-19 may now qualify for benefits.

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has started sending notices to potentially eligible individuals. Upon receiving the notices, individuals have 30 days to respond and send a completed reassessment form to the EDD. Despite previous electronic notifications that had minimal response, the EDD continues its efforts to reach these individuals.

The new federal guidelines also clarified specifics about the eligibility criteria. For instance, even those who refused to return to work or accept work at sites not in compliance with COVID-19 health and safety standards could qualify. Furthermore, school employees witnessing any changes in their work schedule due to COVID-19 are eligible for benefits.

Although many remain eligible, the lack of response could be due to a lack of follow-ups on the EDD messages or individuals finding employment and no longer requiring benefits. Benefits would originate from the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, which catered to traditionally ineligible unemployed individuals like small business owners and independent contractors. However, the benefit distribution ceased in September 2021 with the rebound of the economy.

For those who need assistance understanding their eligibility or have further questions, the fastest way to get through to EDD is to visit This website offers useful information and ways to connect with EDD directly. Whether one needs to inquire about being eligible for retroactive payments, or for any other unemployment-related queries, is an advantageous resource.