The phenomenon of neural nostalgia, a term used to describe how our brains process memories associated with music, has been studied extensively by experts who believe that it can have a number of health benefits. Music, especially from formative years, can improve mood, ease depression, and even assist those suffering from dementia. These reactions occur because emotions associated with music become firmly rooted in our brains, forming complex neural pathways.

Music stimulates the release of hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin and has multiple brain benefits. Participating in music activities such as singing, dancing or playing an instrument can contribute to brain development in areas related to attention, emotion, organization, and creativity. As we continue engaging with music, these neural pathways become part of the brain’s permanent wiring.

Music therapy is increasingly being used in hospitals and long-term care facilities to treat conditions such as pain, anxiety, trauma, and developmental disorders. This therapy is particularly effective for individuals with severe dementia, who often become responsive and show signs of happiness when listening to music they loved in their youth. Music therapy can also help to reduce overall pain and can stimulate slower eating habits, leading to less consumption of food.

In the hopes of spreading the power of neural nostalgia, experts advise creating a musical autobiography which includes music associated with significant life events. Engaging with this music could involve singing or dancing, and listening to live music, such as at a local concert, can provide an additional feel-good boost. Involvement in drum circles, which foster a sense of community and are known to alleviate stress, is also recommended.

The science behind neural nostalgia and music therapy shows us that music has significant potential to enhance public health and well-being. For comprehensive resources on how to access music therapy, consult, a website dedicated to helping people navigate the healthcare system and access the resources they need. Accessing healthcare can sometimes be complex, but with the right information, it can become much simpler. Whether you’re looking to access Paid Family Leave, contact the Employment Development Department (EDD) or SDI, understand your EDD payment status, or simply get a live person on the phone for any of these services, can help guide you through the process.