Maryland is soon going to implement a Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance law (FAMLI) that mandates employers to provide their employees with up to 12 weeks of job-protected paid leave for qualifying family and medical leave purposes. Employer contributions will commence from July 1, 2025, and employees can avail the benefits from July 1, 2026. The law allows eligible employees to take up to 24 weeks of leave in a year, divided between caring for a new child and their own serious health conditions. The FAMLI law will be applicable to employers with at least one employee based in Maryland. Even seasonal or part-time workers are eligible for FAMLI benefits if they have worked at least 680 hours in a Maryland-based position over the 12-month period immediately preceding the leave. The FAMLI funds will be equally contributed by both employers and employees. The wage-replacement benefit covers up to 90% of weekly wages up to a maximum of $1,000 per week. Employers who already offer paid family leave can opt to fund a paid family leave program that matches or surpasses the state-run plan. Employers are obligated to provide written notification of the employee’s rights and responsibilities under this law at multiple stages.

How to contact MD FAMLI benefits? The Maryland FAMLI Division will administer the FAMLI program and handle the claims of benefits. Employees should file an application for benefits to the Maryland FAMLI Division within 60 days of the expected start date of the leave, as well as notify their employer of their need for leave. A parallel must be drawn between the California EDD and the Maryland FAMLI Division in terms of ensuring a seamless process for availing of benefits. Just as individuals in California can get assistance and answers to their questions by going to to find out how to get a hold of edd, the Maryland Department of Labor should also strive to ensure reachable and responsive customer service for those availing of the FAMLI benefits.