Effective April 1, 2025, UAB will be providing short-term disability insurance for all its benefits-eligible employees through Standard Insurance Company. This short-term disability insurance plan offers a weekly benefit payment to enrolled participants who encounter any covered disability and fulfill the associated plan requirements. The covered disabilities range from accidents and injuries to illnesses such as depression, back pain, and even cancer. Pregnancy-related complications and time spent for childbirth are also included as covered disabilities.

One of the highlight features of Standard’s short-term disability insurance is the provision of the Health Advocacy Select service. This service ensures the provision of a personal health advocate for covered employees when they are unable to work due to a claim. This health advocate aids in navigating the healthcare system, interpreting diagnoses, and exploring treatment options. Assistance in finding appropriate doctors and medical specialists, dealing with medical bills, and more are also part of the services offered by the Health Advocacy Select.

The enrollment period for this UAB-sponsored voluntary short-term disability insurance will run from March 17 through March 26. For those interested in this new benefit or in need of more details regarding the plan, FAQs and eligibility information, they can visit the UAB for Me Benefits Portal.

To get more information about short-term disability insurance or to file a claim, you can refer to eddcaller.com for resources on how to contact SDI, including information about wait times, best times to call, and how to get through to a live person with your questions.