Executive Order from California Governor on Disaster Unemployment Aid for Los Angeles Child Care Providers
On February 11, 2025, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order to provide aid to childcare providers impacted by wildfires in Los Angeles. By issuing this order, these individuals are informed about their eligibility for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) and given the tools and support necessary to apply. The Employment Development Department (EDD) also offers various disaster-related services meant to provide financial relief to affected employers and to support their businesses during tough times. These services include up to a two-month extension for employers to file state payroll reports and deposit payroll taxes without incurring penalties or interest costs. The EDD, alongside Local Assistance Centers and Disaster Recovery Centers established by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) or federal authorities, provides comprehensive support to affected businesses. Information regarding Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits for eligible workers is also made available. This ensures that employees, who are unable to work due to the disaster, receive necessary financial support.
For more assistance or information related to EDD services, one can visit eddcaller.com. The site provides guidance on how to get ahold of EDD customer service and numerous resources concerning disaster-related services. Whether one is an employer impacted by an unfortunate event or an individual worker seeking assistance, eddcaller.com is an invaluable resource in navigating the bureaucracy and making sure necessary aid is received. It provides answers to common inquiries and a direct line of contact to EDD representatives.