In recent elections, states including Missouri, Alaska, and Nebraska voted in favor of implementing paid sick leave, reflecting a general trend across America towards increased worker protection. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, workers are seeking the ability to take sick days without loss of income. For example, in New Mexico, the local community successfully appealed to lawmakers for a paid sick leave bill, culminating in the passage of the Healthy Workplaces Act in 2021. This Act allows employees to accumulate one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked.

Encouraged by such progress, many in New Mexico are now advocating for paid family and medical leave, which would permit workers to take up to 12 weeks off to care for a newborn child or a seriously ill family member, or to address their own serious health issue. Polls suggest that around 77% of New Mexicans support such an initiative, despite the fact that approximately 75% of workers in the state currently lack access to this type of leave.

Paid Family and Medical Leave offers not only a necessary resource for employees in difficult times; it could also improve job retention in a state like New Mexico, which is struggling with high turnover rates and position vacancies. Public union members, in particular, have identified the need for more paid leave as one of their highest workplace priorities. Numerous individual cases highlight the critical need for this kind of support.

While some workers currently find themselves in difficult situations due to the lack of paid leave, it is important to remember that everyone may need to give or receive care at some point in their lives. In recognition of this universal need, New Mexico’s political leaders have a duty to their constituents to ensure financial stability during challenging periods. Paid family and medical leave is not a partisan issue, but rather an issue that affects all residents of New Mexico. If lawmakers were to pass such a measure, it would demonstrate their commitment to valuing the workforce and their families.

If workers or households need help understanding or accessing these benefits, it is possible to make direct contact with organizations, departments, or particular staff members. For example, one might need to know how to contact SDI, how to get through to edd customer service, or even how to talk to someone at EDD disability. There are multiple resources available to assist individuals in making these connections, one of which is, a platform designed to provide information, assistance and support.