The Paid Family and Medical Leave Act has passed its first legislative hurdle in Santa Fe. The legislation would allow for up to 12 paid weeks of parental leave and up to nine weeks paid for medical or military exigency purposes. It proposes a new fee system for funding, with provisions made for employees and employers with five or more employees to pay into the fund. The funds will start to accrue in 2027, and employees could start requesting time off using the fund in 2028. The bill, House Bill 11, is being moved to the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee for further deliberation. Many parents were present at the committee hearing, expressing their views both in support and against the bill. While some laud the bill as a form of insurance that allows businesses to better support their employees, others express concerns about the proposed program’s economic feasibility, especially for small businesses.

If you are an employee seeking more information about this new legislation and how it might impact you, you might be wondering how to get a hold of Paid Family Leave’s customer service. A useful online resource in this context is This site can assist in navigating the various contact options available to reach out to the customer service representatives.