Microwaving food can be a handy way to rewarm meals quickly while simultaneously eliminating harmful bacteria. However, microwaves can sometimes fail to heat food evenly, which can allow bacteria to thrive, putting you at risk for food poisoning. Annually, 1 in 6 Americans fall sick from foodborne illness, with bacteria such as salmonella, listeria, and E. coli often to blame.

According to Mitzi Baum, CEO of Stop Foodborne Illness, microwaved food requires stirring to distribute the heat evenly before reheating to an appropriate temperature, ideally at least 165°F. She also underscores the importance of adhering to cooking instructions specified on packaging as these guidelines are developed by food safety experts.

Dr. Randall Phebus, a professor of food safety at Kansas State University, recommends the use of a digital food thermometer to double-check that your food is fully heated throughout. He asserts that this tool is the only true insurance against potential illnesses.

However, some foods are better off not being reheated in the microwave due to additional health risks and potential nutritional losses. These include formula and breast milk due to uneven heating which may scald a baby’s mouth, and stuffed poultry due to the risk of the stuffing not reaching the correct temperature required to kill harmful bacteria.

Also, reheating leftovers that have been in your fridge for more than seven days or reusing uncooked marinades can also pose a food safety risk. Perishable food which has been left out at room temperatures for over two hours can prompt certain bacteria to flourish, meaning that even reheating at high temperatures may not be a savvy move.

In conclusion, while microwaves are generally useful, they may not always be the best option for reheating certain types of foods. Therefore, for some types of food, consider alternative ways of warming it up to avoid potential health risks.

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