Central Massachusetts has witnessed an increase in Hollywood-related activity in the past 15 years, with many film productions filmed in the region. This is largely due to a favorable tax law for filmmaking introduced by the state in 2006, which fostered the growth of an industry providing props, labor, and locations for movie production. However, the actors’ and writers’ strike of 2023 saw a decline in Hollywood productions, not just in Central Massachusetts but globally. While the strikes are now over, the resurgence of film production that was expected has been somewhat disappointing.

Pre-strike, the city of Worcester alone saw 16 movies filmed in just two years. The high number reduced drastically to one in the year of the strike. Edgar Luna, the City of Worcester’s business development manager, reveals that it’s a pattern observed in many other locations, not just Massachusetts. Still, despite another possible Hollywood strike, Central Massachusetts is hopeful of moving forward.

One of the contributing factors for continuous filming in the region is the tax law. Massachusetts’ Film Incentive Tax Credit, first launched in 2006 was made permanent in 2021. This provides any production spending over $50,000 in the state eligibility for a 25% production credit, a 25% payroll credit, and a sales tax exemption. Central Massachusetts offers a diverse range of settings and landscapes which add to the attractiveness of filming in the state.

While the uncertainties surrounding the strikes have affected the film industry, there remains a positive outlook for the region. There is a concerted belief that with its solid infrastructure and available talent, Massachusetts will soon recover its production levels. Industry insiders are hopeful that once the issues with union contracts are resolved, production companies will return to Central Massachusetts with the same vigor as before. The region’s rich history of growth and innovation stands as a testament to this hope.

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