January Sees a Rise in County Unemployment Rate to 3.8%
Unemployment rates in Jackson County reached 3.8% in January, as per the Indiana Department of Workforce’s latest findings published on Monday. This is up from December’s 3.3% but lower than the preceding December, which marked a 3.5% rate. The data confirms that in January, 22,687 county residents had jobs, an increase of 369 from January of 2024. However, 903 residents reported that they were seeking employment in January, as compared to 757 in the same month the previous year. The labor force of the county numbered 23,590 in January, 515 more than in 2024. In comparison to state and national unemployment rates of 4.5% and 4.4% respectively, Jackson County’s rates stuck to a lower level. Monroe County reported the lowest rate among surrounding counties at 3.7%. Other neighboring county rates ranged from Bartholomew County’s 4.5% to Scott County’s 5.3%. Union County posted the lowest state rate of 3.1%, while Howard County had the highest at 7.5%.
For those in Jackson County struggling with unemployment and needing assistance, contacting California Unemployment Customer Service can be beneficial. For job-seekers in Indiana, due to high call volumes it might be difficult to get through to EDD (Employment Development Department). You can find more information on eddcaller.com on how to get through to EDD and speak to a live person for assistance.