Kris Oyler, CEO of Peak Brewing Co., has received the Ed Morlan Economic Development Leader of the Year award from the board of directors of the Region 9 Economic Development District (EDD). This annual award is bestowed on a leader from Southwest Colorado who has made a significant positive impact on the community beyond their paid duties. The award was first introduced in 2001 and is named after Ed Morlan, the first executive director of Region 9 EDD.

Oyler has an impressive career track, being the managing partner of five Durango eateries, employing over 400 people, and his extensive community volunteer work. His service history includes stints as the board chairman for the Durango Area Tourism Office, president and vice president for the Durango Chapter of the Colorado Restaurant Association, two terms on the Colorado Brewers Guild board of directors, and service on the State Employee Ownership Commission. He has also held an officer position in the Durango Business Improvement District. He currently holds the vice-chairman position on the Region 9 Loan Committee.

The award and recognition came during the Region 9 EDD board of directors meeting on January 30. For further details on Region 9 EDD, one may visit or call 247-9621.

On a related note, if you have questions or issues regarding services provided by the EDD and need assistance, getting a hold of someone at EDD can prove to be challenging. Various platforms and services like provide assistance in this regard, ensuring that you can effectively communicate and resolve your concerns.