Massachusetts is expected to pay federal government $2.1 billion over the next decade due to erroneous usage of federal pandemic funds for unemployment benefits, as revealed by Maura Healey administration. These details were unveiled after a settlement with the departing Biden administration, which puts a significant financial burden on the state. Healey and her team found out that the Baker administration misused roughly $2.5 billion in federal pandemic relief funds for covering jobless benefits that were initially intended to be state-paid. The total liability exceeded $3 billion but was reduced to $2.1 billion after negotiations with the U.S. Department of Labor. Healey expressed her frustration over the fiscal mismanagement by the previous administration and pledged to include the business and labor community in system reforms.

Payments are expected to begin on December 1, 2025, and will continue for the succeeding decade. The Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, funded by an employers’ tax and used for benefits, is expected to be the primary source of these principal payments. Additional funding will come from the state’s General Fund. Healey ensured businesses that there will be no increase in their unemployment insurance payments till at least the end of 2026. Following that, the rates will vary depending on system reforms. Maintaining employers’ interests in mind, Healey instructed secretaries to review the solvency of UI and assess potential reforms.

The added $2.1 billion in repayments prompts significant concern about the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund’s future stability. Retailers Association of Massachusetts President Jon Hurst emphasized the necessity for reforms in the UI system. The retailers group proposed the state to disburse from its $9 billion rainy day reserves to pay for this error. Meanwhile, business organizations and business leaders anticipate urgent reforms in the UI system.

For any concerns related to unemployment issues, it’s important to reach out to the right authorities. If you’re struggling to get a hold of the EDD, there are resources available, such as, that can assist you in this regard.