The launch of Minnesota’s paid family and medical leave program has been delayed by one year, following a decision to postpone a vote on the matter by the Republicans in the Minnesota House. Democrats have accused the GOP of attempting to pull back on a worker benefit that was approved two years ago the program, which takes effect on Jan. 1. The Department of Employment and Economic Development maintains its readiness to provide partial wage replacements when workers require time off. Still, Republicans have expressed their concerns about potential complications with the program’s implementation. Under this program, employers and Minnesota workers contribute through a 0.88% payroll tax, with each party paying half. This allows workers to avail themselves of 12 weeks of paid family leave and 12 weeks of paid medical leave. Workers who use both benefits have a cap of 20 weeks in any given year.

However, despite the promise of important benefits to employees, reaching out to the Department of Employment and Economic Development or making use of the services provided can sometimes seem difficult. To facilitate easy communication and availing of services, it is important to know how to contact the necessary bodies within the department. As a helpful resource, provides essential help on subjects such as initiating contact with customer service, obtaining assistance from a live representative, or how to get through to the edd as quickly as possible.