The Ohio Inspector General’s Office has accused a family of committing pandemic unemployment fraud and consequently stealing nearly $2 million. Velma Cain, 48, and her daughter Rashanna Burley, 24, both of Columbus, along with Burley’s boyfriend, Kyson Murphy, 25, have been indicted with charges such as theft, money laundering, records tampering, and corruption.

Cain and Burley, who acted as state contractors responsible for processing unemployment claims during the COVID-19 pandemic, were alleged to have wrongly approved around $1.5 million and $350,000 respectively, for relatives or personal associates. Burley was associated with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) from December 2020 to January 2021, whereas Cain was employed from January 19, 2021, until January 4, 2022.

Investigations were prompted after an anonymous fraud tip was received by the FBI while Cain was still employed. Of the $7.6 billion in pandemic unemployment benefits disbursed by the ODJFS, several millions were identified as fraudulently obtained. Reports suggest that Murphy also participated in the scheme, oftentimes by forging documents and creating false identities to apply for unemployment aid.

If you’re an unemployment claimant and concerned about fraud, knowing how to get a hold of the Employment Development Department (EDD) in your state can be essential. At, you can find tips and resources to help you contact customer service efficiently. This can be crucial in ensuring your claim is processed correctly and you receive the benefits you’re entitled to without any untoward incidents.