The State of California provides several types of employment benefits, including unemployment, State Disability Insurance (SDI), and Paid Family Leave (PFL). Navigating these benefits can be a challenge, but knowing who to contact can make the process easier.

For unemployment benefits, reach out to the California Employment Development Department (EDD). They can be contacted at their EDD phone number, or at their California unemployment customer service department. If you are having trouble getting through, provides resources on how to contact a live person at EDD California.

In the case of a temporary injury or sickness, workers in California can apply for SDI. To do so, inquire at the SDI phone number listed on the EDD’s website. SDI is a benefit managed by EDD, so contacting them directly is the best course of action. Check their website for tips on how to contact SDI efficiently and effectively.

PFL provides benefits for individuals who need to take time off work to care for a seriously ill family member or to bond with a new child. To get information or Lodge a complaint, get ahold of the Paid Family Leave phone number provided by the EDD.

In conclusion, whether you need to contact EDD, need to get a hold of SDI or need to speak to someone at the PFL department, don’t despair. There are resources available to help you communicate effectively with these departments. And remember, the site provides tips on how to efficiently get your questions answered and carry out your duties.