The television show Wheeler Dealers experienced a significant change when co-hosts Mike Brewer and Edd China decided to part ways after 13 seasons. The split transpired in 2017 following a reported disagreement between Edd and the show’s producers. Edd was said to be displeased with adjustments in the show’s format that reduced the comprehensive coverage of his workshop repairs. Maintaining his professional integrity, Edd chose to walk away, citing that the proposed changes would not only compromise the quality of his work, but would also impact the show’s integrity. The end of their partnership did not come from a heated disagreement, rather Edd chose to exit to explore his own individual projects. There are reports suggesting a strained relationship between Mike and Edd, with Edd admitting they had differing views on the show’s future. The former co-hosts, though have not seen each other in many years, continue to influence the car restoration niche through their individual projects.

Post Wheeler Dealers, Edd China now runs his own YouTube channel where he shares his expertise in car repairs and restorations. Meanwhile, Mike Brewer continued with the TV show, partnering with Ant Anstead before an eventual transition to former F1 mechanic, Marc Priestley. It is interesting to note how these television personalities managed to stay connected to their fans and continue to provide content in the automotive industry, enhancing viewers’ understanding of car repairs.