If you are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), it’s crucial to understand that regular reviews of your case are mandated by law. This is to establish that you continue to have a disability that prevents substantial work. This review process is known as a Continuing Disability Review. You will be sent a notice whenever it’s time to review your medical condition, keeping you updated about your benefits status.

The frequency of the review depends on your medical condition and whether it’s expected to improve or not. Usually, reviews take place: 6 to 18 months after the original decision on your application, if improvement in your medical condition is expected; every 3 years if possible medical improvement is expected; and every 7 years if no improvement is expected.

You can complete and submit the Medical Continuing Disability Review Report (SSA-454) online. This option is available for adults receiving SSDI, SSI, or both, who do not have a representative payee. To complete the form online, login into your personal my Social Security account and choose the Complete Your Continuing Disability Review option. If you do not have an account, you can create one at www.ssa.gov/myaccount. If you don’t wish to create an online account, the SSA-454 form can be filled out and printed from www.ssa.gov/forms/ssa-454-bk.pdf. You can then either mail this form or deliver it in person to your local Social Security office.

Please ensure to share this crucial information with other SSDI or SSI recipients in your network. This article was written by Rich Fowler, the Social Security District Manager in Maryville, Missouri.

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