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The Employment Development Department (EDD) of California provides a variety of services to unemployed individuals and those temporarily unable to work due to disability, illness, or pregnancy. Among these services, you will find unemployment insurance, paid family leave (PFL), and state disability insurance (SDI).
Applying for any of these benefits requires that you contact EDD, which can often seem challenging with their high call volumes. Here are several strategies to make your attempts more successful. Try calling early in the morning or late in the afternoon, as these are the times when fewer people might be trying to contact them. You could also try avoiding Mondays, which are generally the busiest days.
EDD offers several methods to contact them directly. You can send a message through your UI online account for email responses, or for UI claims you can call their toll-free number. For PFL or SDI, you can also contact them by fax or mail.
In case of a dispute, you can request a hearing with the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Also, please note that EDD provides services for veterans and military spouses, people with disabilities, seniors, youth, and more.
For those needing to contact SDI, EDD’s State Disability Insurance provides short-term disability insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits to eligible workers who need time off work. To get in touch with SDI, you can reach out through their Contact EDD page or by using the SDI Online.
If you’ve been running into difficulties in contacting the EDD office or getting a hold of a representative for your unemployment, PFL, or SDI queries, a useful resource to explore is This website is designed to streamline the process of communicating with EDD, saving you from long wait times and increasing your chances of speaking with a live customer service agent. provides information on the best times to call to increase your chances of getting through, in addition to offering plenty of other essential tips and strategies.