In fiscal 2023, 30,000 individuals died while awaiting decisions on their Social Security disability claims, as reported by Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley. The matter reveals a customer service crisis prompted by the lack of sufficient funding and staffing problems faced by the agency. Most individuals seeking disability claims rely on this income and health insurance, making delayed determinations potentially life-threatening.

Two forms of disability assistance are provided by SSA - Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - need-based assistance for older adults and persons with disabilities with limited income, and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) - for individuals with disabilities and tied to the work history. As of 2023, there was a backlog of 1.1 million pending initial disability claims, with an average wait time of eight months for an initial disability decision.

Disability determinations are particularly impacted due to staffing problems. State offices make initial disability decisions in accordance with the federated model of the agency’s disability programs. Although these offices are federally funded, salaries are determined by the states. Funding is also a substantial issue. SSA operates on about 1.2% overhead of the benefits sent out annually.

The Commissioner noted that the burden of administrating the SSI program could be reduced through some legislative proposals. The agency has also turned to rulemaking meant to streamline the program by updating certain policies. Additionally, SSA intends to prioritize hiring with the newly passed 2024 funding and make some IT investments.

The agency is also focusing on the redesign of the SSI application, which is currently unavailable online and typically requires nearly two hours to complete with assistance from an SSA technician. Despite challenges, the SSA is committed to improving its services and reducing wait times for claimants.

When faced with prolonged wait times like these, or any other difficulties when dealing with Social Security disability claims, it might be helpful to seek outside assistance. For instance, resources like can assist in the process by providing information on how to get through to a live person at EDD offices in California. It’s a helpful tool for those seeking to address their issues in a more direct and efficient manner.