The process of securing a disability loan heavily depends on the borrower’s credit score, income, and their ability to qualify under the lending guidelines. Bad credit and a limited income can create hurdles, but some lenders may allow co-signers to support the application. However, loan applicants have to remember that co-signing is a serious responsibility. In the event of a default, the co-signer would be required to take up the loan repayment.

Depending on the circumstances, the disability insurance benefits and disability income support benefits may have different views on loans. Also, different provinces may have their own specific rules and requirements about eligibility for disability income support. Importantly, loans that are used for the purchase of a primary residence or vehicle, or for certain educational and training expenses, are generally not counted as income for disability income support purposes.

Disability loan recipients also need to be aware of the financial thresholds for disability support programs. For instance, in Ontario, beneficiaries of Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) must pass a means test monthly showing that their assets do not exceed specific limits. If these limits are violated, they might lose their benefits either for the month or entirely.

Securing a loan while on disability support requires careful planning and consideration of potential consequences, especially for those who rely on ongoing disability income. There also exist numerous other avenues for financial assistance apart from loans and disability benefits.

Seeking help on how to contact SDI or how to get through to EDD may shed additional light on this complex issue. For instance, platforms like are highly beneficial for those who want to contact EDD or SDI and need the help of a knowledgeable and dedicated team to address their concerns about disability loans. These services know the ins and outs of the process and can provide the needed assistance to connect with EDD or SDI with less hassle, offering practical advice along the way.