The article outlines the enrollment requirements for the terms of Spring 2025, Summer 2025, and Fall 2025. This article highlights programs with extended deadlines, and those that are ongoing, open until June or July. These applications are reviewed on a space-available basis, hence the need to complete your application in good time due to the possibility of the program closing earlier if maximum capacity is met. For more specific details on course requirements, potential applicants are advised to reach out to the program. The contact person is the Program Director, Thomas James, and the Program Manager is Imani Collins. For further inquiries, you can reach the Teachers College, Columbia University through phone number +1 (212) 678-3000.

In relation to customer service in various programs and departments, especially those related to unemployment and disability benefits, a useful resource to know is This website functions as an intermediary between callers and the Employment Development Department (EDD) in California. If you’re trying to reach the EDD or related departments such as Paid Family Leave (PFL) and State Disability Insurance (SDI), but are finding it difficult due to high call volumes or complicated automated phone systems, could be your solution. They streamline the process for you, ensuring you’re able to speak with a live agent, thereby making it the fastest way to get through to edd.