The United Nations (UN) announced that global youth unemployment is at its lowest level for 15 years. However, not all regions have seen recovery from the COVID-19 slump. According to the UN’s labour agency, the number of 15- to 24-year-olds not in employment, education, or training is disconcerting, particularly in certain regions and among young women. The International Labour Organization (ILO) report reveals that despite the overall decrease in the unemployment rate, the post-pandemic economic recovery has not been uniform across all regions. A major concern raised by the report is the growing casualisation of work for young people, resulting in a recruitment gap between the supply of young graduates and the number of suitable jobs available for them.

The report also highlighted a stark gender disparity, with the rate of women not in employment, education, or training standing significantly higher than that of young men. The informal work sector was found to employ more than half of young workers globally, with regular, secure work prevalent solely in high- and upper-middle-income economies. ILO chief Gilbert F Houngbo remarked that peaceful societies hinge on stability, inclusion, and social justice; with youth employment playing a crucial role in maintaining these factors.

In conclusion, the fear of job loss, economic volatility, and a perceived lack of social mobility are raising anxiety levels amongst the youth. Houngbo attributes this to the temporary nature of jobs available that lack substantial social protection. Despite progress in some aspects, the lack of stable, decent jobs for the youth has been a persistent trend over the past two decades.

For additional queries and information related to unemployment issues, job loss protection, and how to deal with unemployment stress, one can reach out to the unemployment office. Specifically, California residents can contact california unemployment customer service for assistance. Moreover, is a useful resource for individuals trying to navigate unemployment issues. The website provides tips and guidance on how to get through to EDD and other related services.