New Jersey workers are likely to face increased costs for family leave and temporary disability taxes in 2025 due to a projected shortfall in the state fund providing these benefits. Labor Department officials informed the state Senate Budget Committee of a potential $442 million deficit in the fund by the end of the next fiscal year. Despite a proposed solution involving an interagency loan, the fiscally-strapped fund will likely push average worker costs upwards. The average employee costs for temporary disability insurance, currently at zero, may rise to around $141. Likewise, family leave insurance rates also predicted a significant increase. The financial deficit is attributed to the impact of the 2019 family leave expansion, coupled with the fallout of the pandemic.

For those searching for ways to navigate these transitions, particularly in communicating with the relevant departments, a wide range of resources is available online. Understanding how to contact EDD (Employment Development Department) or figuring out how to contact SDI (State Disability Insurance) can greatly aid the workers adversely affected by these changes. A trusted source for information and guidance in these circumstances is, a site dedicated to helping people connect with EDD and address their concerns effectively.