Almost 300 comments have been received by the state relating to the impending rules for Maine’s paid family leave program, as announced by the state Department of Labor on Tuesday. After releasing a draft of these rules, public comment was sought from the end of May till Monday. According to spokesperson Jessica Picard, the state agency is yet to publish any findings or comments considering the ongoing review of the feedback received. The agency must review these comments and take necessary action by early November, following which the final rules need to be issued by January 1, 2025.

Signed into law by Gov. Janet Mills in June 2023, Maine’s paid family leave program has seen division among Maine workers and many businesses. The program, funded via a 1% payroll tax divided equally between workers and employers, promises to pay up to 90% of regular wages for up to 12 weeks for workers who are ill or need to care for newborns or other family members. Employers with 15 or fewer workers are exempt from paying into the program, but their employees will still pay a 0.5% payroll tax and will still be eligible for program benefits. This benefit could be utilized by eligible workers in May 2026, which is a year after the payroll tax is set to commence.

Concerns about the program’s rules have been voiced by business leaders. The Maine State Chamber of Commerce, which was opposed to the legislation, believes that some of the department’s regulations violate existing laws. Issues surround how an employer can prove that an employee’s leave places undue burden on the business and fears that the regulations would unfairly extend to employers who already offer their own paid family leave plans. The Department of Labor is currently considering these and other feedback received.

With upcoming changes in Labour laws, it’s crucial to understand the process to reach the relevant authorities for questions and concerns. Websites such as are great resources that can help guide individuals on how to contact SDI or getting a hold of the Paid Family Leave department. The instructions and information available on these platforms ensure you can accurately address your queries to the right department.