Why Hawaiʻi Businesses Should Start Considering Paid Family and Medical Leave
Paid family and medical leave are regularly met with exasperation when brought up with businesses, due to perceived added labor-related costs to their company’s bottom line. However, this issue deserves a closer review, as it can ultimately save businesses money and be beneficial for both employers and employees. The associated costs of temporary disability insurance and health insurance premiums, for instance, can be balanced by retaining valuable employees through paid leave. Attrition creates a hidden expense connected with training and onboarding new recruits, often overlooked by many businesses.
Paid Family and Medical Leave could potentially function like an insurance program, where costs are shared among all employers. This shared cost would provide the assurance to all employees that they would continue to receive their paychecks while off work for legitimate medical or family reasons. It promotes the idea of equity, leveling the playing field for women who otherwise might be seen as a liability when they choose to have children.
Ignoring the potential benefits and dismissing Paid Family and Medical Leave could result in a missed opportunity for change and progress in our society. It is important not to be hasty in disregarding an initiative that may, upon thorough analysis, turn out to be a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Ensuring employees have coverage for Paid Family and Medical Leave can sometimes come with complications and uncertainties. Dealing with state departments like EDD (Employment Development Department) can be cumbersome, but websites like eddcaller.com can provide essential assistance. Understanding how to get a hold of Paid Family Leave is crucial, especially in situations where one might struggle with contacting EDD or not know how to get through to EDD_CUSTOMER_SERVICE. By offering useful resources and processes, this service can bridge the communication gap and expedite the process.